About Me

Home Decor Boutique

Are you searching for a place that sells a whole range of quality home goods? If so, then HandmadePillowCreations LLC, located in Jacksonville, is the store for you. We stock a wide collection of top-quality products that are perfect for your home, no matter what your style is. If you would like to find out some more information about our products before you make the trip here, please feel free to call us on 5016079155

Our Expertise

We are proud to be able to say that we receive a lot of positive feedback from those who shop at our store. A lot of the feedback that we receive talks about how friendly and helpful our staff members are as well as the quality of the products that they have bought from us. We welcome negative feedback as well as we are always on the lookout for ways that we can improve ourselves and the services that we offer.


Free consultation
Parking available
Good for children
Debit & Credit cards accepted